One night last week in Bucerias, we were watching a movie in our casa after dinner. Keelin heard a noise and walked over to investigate. She didn't quite eek, but she had found something. We turned down the volume on the movie and you could hear it walking, clicking, across the floor. It skittered under the couch, which Señor Daveed and I moved. Standing on the floor looking up at us was a land crab.
We had never seen one before in all our trips there. I don't know much about them other than crabs run the spectrum from fully aquatic to fully terrestrial. Even the most fully terrestrial land crabs must return to the sea to lay their eggs, so they don't live too far from the beach. In our case, the beach was about half a block west of us. It would have gotten pretty interesting if, say, thirty of them had invaded our house. . .